Irritable Bowel Syndrome: Its Complexity and Safest, Natural Treatment Options
The symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) include abdominal pain, diarrhea, and constipation. IBS can also result in nutrient deficiencies over time.
It is difficult to find relief from digestive issues using conventional medicine. Allopathic medicine for digestive problems often includes laxatives for constipation, anti-diarrhea drugs, antidepressants, pain relievers, steroids, and, in the worst cases, immunosuppressants with harmful side effects.
Functional medicine can be used to control how key internal organs work so that digestion stays at its best.
The complexities of IBS symptoms:
Potential causes of IBS that are rarely investigated include dysregulation of neurotransmitters, low stomach acid, liver issues, a damaged gut microbiome, and issues with the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis.
After the root cause has been found, functional medicine can greatly improve or even completely get rid of the symptoms. Not only will you feel better immediately, but your body’s overall health and performance will also improve dramatically.
Patients who eat healthily but still experience severe digestive symptoms are surprisingly common. Or they may have seen initial improvement with these diets, but now feel stuck eating a strict diet to remain symptom-free.
It’s frustrating to put in so much time, energy, and money into one of these diets and still suffer from severe gastrointestinal symptoms. Careful analysis at the National Candida Center revealed that the primary cause of yeast infections was not dietary inadequacy, a lack of certain nutrients, or a genetic variation.
Modifying your way of life to alleviate IBS symptoms:
Practice a low-FODMAP diet:
Fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols are referred to as FODMAPs. They are a type of short-chain carbohydrates that, if not digested properly, ferment in the large intestine. Many common vegetables and fruits, such as beans, artichokes, and cauliflower, are high in FODMAPs.
Abdominal pain, bloating, gas, and stomach distention can result from FODMAPs being fermented by bacteria in the large intestine. Those who suffer from IBS often have a heightened sensitivity to FODMAPs. People with IBS can greatly improve their quality of life by adopting a low-FODMAP diet.
Participate in some yoga sessions:
There is a direct line of communication between the brain and the digestive system, which is called the gut-brain axis. It’s about how your gut and brain communicate with each other.
One of the best ways to manage stress is through yoga. Researchers have found that both yoga and a low-FODMAP diet can help ease the symptoms of IBS.
Yoga helps IBS patients. Yoga is a type of meditation and breathing exercises that can help you relax and calm down. It has been shown to decrease signs of stress, especially the stress hormone cortisol.
Don’t drink, smoke, or use caffeine:
Three of the most common habits that can cause or make IBS symptoms worse are drinking alcohol, drinking coffee, and smoking. Make a strategy to stop smoking if you are a smoker.
It’s hard to stop drinking coffee. Maybe you need that first cup of coffee to get going in the morning. Slowly reducing your caffeine intake helps you quit. Getting rid of irritants like caffeine, alcohol, and tobacco can improve the health of many patients in a big way.
Mind your diet:
The symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome can vary greatly from person to person. Some people may find relief by avoiding the foods that aggravate their symptoms, while others may find that other foods alleviate their conditions. You can learn more about the relationship between what you eat and how you feel by keeping a food diary.
One person with IBS may be able to eat chocolate without any adverse effects, while another may have a reaction to it.
Regular exercise:
Working out is probably the last thing on your mind when you’re feeling bloated. But regular exercise can help those with IBS. Working out helps alleviate the emotional toll that IBS can take on a person’s mental and physical health. First and foremost, regular exercise helps reduce the severity of IBS symptoms.
If you’re new to exercise, start slowly so your body can adjust. Consult your doctor to create an exercise plan. As a first step, going for a walk is great. It has been shown that people with IBS feel better after 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week. This is best done in 30-minute blocks, five days a week.
Treating Irritable Bowel Syndrome by Improving Gut Health
People with IBS usually have a more serious stomach problem, like low stomach acid, which can cause ulcers or inflammation of the stomach lining.
When this happens, it’s important to make sure the stomach’s tissues are healthy again before giving the stomach what it needs to make acid on its own.
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is often treated by lowering stress through things like therapy and meditation. Eventually, after sticking to these good routines for a while, you will see the results you’ve been hoping for. As the digestive symptoms go away, you’ll eventually be able to eat without feeling sick, go to the bathroom without pain, digest food without pain, and feel better in general.
Real “Gut Healing” Requires Specific Care
If you’ve already tried every medication and “gut healing diet” out there in the hopes of curing your digestive problems but you’re still experiencing symptoms, it’s clear that the underlying problem isn’t being resolved.
Virus infections, autoimmune diseases, and bacterial imbalances can be managed by making changes to your diet and taking supplements.
If you find out what’s causing your symptoms, you won’t have to eat a certain way for the rest of your life to control them. Your body will be able to use its resources to heal itself.
The five-phase treatment program at the National Candida Center in Florida is a sensible, step-by-step way to heal and improve the overall health of your whole body. Alkalization, replacement, reinoculation, repair, and removal are the five main parts of this plan to improve digestive health. Also, the “Healthy Trinity” treatment plan, which includes diet, therapy, and the mind-body connection, has helped over 1,000 patients. Call us at 407–321–1377 to learn more about our treatment plans and how they will help your gut health.